Monday, November 9, 2009


Wow, all I can say is wow!  I did not expect a facial to be such a wonderful experience.  I suppose I just expected a green face mask applied, maybe a little massaging of my face or cucumbers over my eyes.  I did not expect sheer Bliss (sorry for the pun, I recieved my facial at Bliss Salon) but the word really does fit.   Even now as I am typing I feel I am in a bit of an aromatic daze.  First off it was so warm and comfortable in the room and the lights were dimmed.  My thoughts went away as she gentaly massaged different creams onto my face.  But it wasn't always gentle, she applied specific pressure to my temples, my nose and then she began to massage my head, arms, hands, neck and shoulders.  I consentrated on the sensation, the dark beneath my eyelids, and everything else around me melted away.  At one point she misted cool essence of lemon verbena onto my face.  Thank you Jen and Jeremy, this was a truly enjoyable graduation gift!


  1. I am pretty sure I NEED to experience this. Perhaps if Mr. P gets a job in Portland we can have once a month spa days...we shall see.
